With Dr. Nehmat Ramadan, your skin is in good and capable hands. Please explore some of our treatments below:



r nehmat ramadan skin clinic treatment-medical-dermatology-melasmaMelasma is a chronic bothersome skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a very complex skin disorder that manifests with brown to gray-brown patches, usually on the face.

The most common locations include the cheeks, bridge of the nose, forehead, chin, and above the upper lip but it can also affect other parts of the body such as the forearms and the neck.

Other conditions like post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, sun damage, and freckles, drug-induced pigmentation could be confused with melasma.

Although complex, if diagnosed properly and appropriately treated, melasma can stay under good control.


r nehmat ramadan skin clinic treatment-medical-dermatology-rosaceaRosacea Is a common skin condition that manifests with flushing and redness in the center of the face, spider veins, very sensitive and dry skin. It can often affect other locations such as the eyes, the chest and even the ears at time. This skin condition may often lead to social embarrassment, low self-esteem, and depression.

After a proper diagnosis of this condition, we can offer several treatments options ranging from creams to advanced laser sessions.

Acne Vulgaris

r nehmat ramadan skin clinic treatment-medical-dermatology-acne-scarsAcne Vulgaris is one of the most common skin condition that affects nearly almost everyone at a certain point in life especially during puberty. Acne is usually common around adolescence time but for reasons that are still not fully understood, dermatologists are now seeing acne in women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. Acne usually manifests as blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, cysts and nodules over the face, the back and the chest.  

This condition can sometimes lead to depression and low self-esteem.  It is important to treat acne to prevent permanent scars and skin marks.


r nehmat ramadan skin clinic treatment-medical-dermatology-dermatoscopyDermatoscopy refers to the examination of the skin using skin surface microscopy. This procedure helps detect and diagnose skin cancers. Early detection and diagnosis of skin cancers may save lives.


In addition to the above medical conditions, we offer treatments for psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, fungal infections, warts, burns, and skin cancers.




  1. What does the treatment consist of?
    It is a simple, nonsurgical, FDA approved, physician-administered injection treatment that can temporarily smooth moderate to severe frown lines, crow’s feet (wrinkles around the eyes) and forehead lines in adults patients. Botox® consists of a purified protein produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium, which reduces the contraction of certain muscles in the face which are responsible for producing the frown lines or the wrinkles in the forehead.
  2. How long does the procedure take?
    It is a 15 min procedure that requires no prior anesthesia. The effect starts to kick in a few days after the treatment (2-7 days) and usually lasts up to 4 months.
  3. What are the commonly treated areas?
    Common areas that can be treated include but are not limited to the frown lines, forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet and bunny lines (wrinkles over the sides of the nose).
  4. What other issues may the treatment solve?
    The treatment has been recently approved to treat excessive sweating of the underarms in people who show resistance to antiperspirants. Other areas that can be treated include the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.


  1. What are dermal fillers?
    As we age, the skin loses its elasticity and the deep fat pads resorb and shift which leads to a change in facial shape and to the classical signs of aging such as wrinkles, hollowing of the cheeks and the temples, deepening of the nasolabial folds as well as eye bags. The dermal fillers treatment is one of the most popular procedures worldwide that helps restore volume loss and facial shape with aging. In addition, it lifts the sagginess and attenuates wrinkles. Dermal fillers have replaced surgery in many instances because of the lower risks, lower downtime and lower cost involved.
  2. What fillers do we use? 
    We use the best fillers available, containing hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally produced by the human skin cells and that is critical to maintain a healthy and young skin.

Peels and Mesotherapy

  1. Chemical peels may be useful for several skin conditions such as melasma, acne, acne scarring, and photodamage. There are three different types of peels:
    1. Superficial to help refresh the face, neck, chest or hands.
    2. Medium to address acne and acne scarring.
    3. Deep peels to treat deep ice pick scars.
  2. Mesotherapy consists of injecting vitamins, minerals, and amino acids cocktails into the mesodermal layer of the skin.
      1. This infusion helps rejuvenate the elastin and collagen and may address several skin problems such as melasma and fine wrinkles. Mesotherapy can also be used to improve the hair.
      2. Dr. Nehmat Ramadan recommends combining mesotherapy with microneedling for better efficacy.


DermaFrac Microneedling

r nehmat ramadan skin clinic treatment-microneedling-dermafrac

  1. What is the Dermafrac Microneedling procedure?
    Dermafrac microneedling is becoming a very popular procedure across the world. We use an advanced microneedling device that creates tiny controlled wounds in the skin while delivering at the same time active ingredients to the deeper skin to fight dull and pigmented skin and promote a quicker collagen regeneration. With the DermaFrac system, we can also perform crystal-free microdermabrasion to help get rid of the superficial dead layer of the skin.
  2. In which cases do we recommend the procedure?
    We highly recommend this all-in-one treatment for those who show signs of aging skin on the face. After the first session, you will see an immediate glow, but the collagen will keep on regenerating for months after each session.

  3. How long does the procedure take?
    DermaFrac microneedling is a quick, painless procedure, with minimal redness that lasts for a few hours only after the session.

ScarLet S

r nehmat ramadan skin clinic treatment-microneedling-scarlet

  1. What is the ScarLet S treatment?
    FDA approved in January 2018, ScarLet is a very safe procedure with minimal downtime. The goal is to tighten the pores and the saggy skin. It is also very useful for the treatment of acne, acne scars, pigmentation, and double chin.
  2. How does it work?
    The ScarLet RF is a quick and safe procedure that can be performed before your big occasions. It works by delivering intense heat by dozens of small needles to the deep layers of the skin, which stimulates wound healing and the renewal of collagen. A single treatment is estimated to last 10-12 months, but for a better result, a series of three treatments, one month apart is recommended.


Skin Rejuvenation with ICON Aesthetic Platform

r nehmat ramadan skin clinic treatment-lasers-iconIcon is an aesthetic platform laser that can address and solve multiple skin problems including scars, wrinkles, sun damage, brown spots, spider veins as well as stretch marks. Our clinic was the first to introduce this laser platform to Lebanon in 2018.

We recommend this procedure to our patients because of its efficacy, beautiful results and most importantly its safety.

ThreeForMe Skin Rejuvenating Procedure

r nehmat ramadan skin clinic treatment-lasers-icon

  1. Which skin concerns are addressed with the ThreeForMe procedure?
    The ThreeForMe procedure is a laser treatment capable of addressing three common skin concerns: wrinkles, sun damage (brown spots) and facial veins all within the same procedure.
  2. How does it work?
    It is a 40 min 2 steps procedure with relatively minimal downtime.

    1. First step:
      We treat sun damage including freckles, brown spots and facial vessels using a technology called Optimized Light Technology (OPL).
    2. Second step:
      We use the fractional laser to help generate new collagen and elastin to improve fine lines, wrinkles, and scars.

Varicose Veins Treatment

r nehmat ramadan skin clinic treatment-lasers-iconTelangiectasias or spider veins condition consists of dilated blood vessels or broken capillaries near the surface of the skin. They most often occur on the nose, lips, and cheeks. They are typically harmless but they can be unsightly. Many treatments are available for this skin condition. We recommend IPL or Nd YAG laser to coagulate the walls of these vessels and remove them.

Stretch Marks Treatment

r nehmat ramadan skin clinic treatment-lasers-stretch-marks

  1. What are Stretch Marks?
    Stretch Marks are a form of scars that appear on the skin during periods of hormonal flux, rapid weight loss or gain, and growth spurts. They are also commonly found during pregnancy, adolescence, and after weight lifting.
  2. How to treat them?
    We, at Dr. Nehmat Ramadan Skin Clinic, use the revolutionary Icon Aesthetic System, to treat stretch marks. Icon is one of the few FDA approved devices for the effective treatment of stretch marks.
    Dr. Nehmat Ramadan recommends treating the stretch marks as soon as they appear and when they are still red or purplish as these will respond much quicker and with fewer laser sessions.

Laser Hair Removal with Elite+, Alexandrite and Nd YAG

r nehmat ramadan skin clinic treatment-lasers-eliteGetting rid of unwanted hair is liberating and saves time and money. We believe that laser hair removal is the best way to permanently reduce unwanted hair. We chose our hair removal laser very carefully to be safe and effective on all colors and types of skin.

Our laser “Elite+”, is a USA made and FDA approved machine known to be very effective and safe for hair removal. Beware that laser hair removal can be dangerous in inexperienced hands and that burns and permanent scars can ensue when lasers are used inappropriately.

Laser Genesis

r nehmat ramadan skin clinic treatment-lasers-eliteLaser Genesis is a form of nonablative laser. The procedure consists of heating the collagen in the skin with lasers without inducing damage to the top layer of the skin.

Its goals are to:

      • Promote and tighten collagen
      • Reduce pores size
      • Decrease facial redness
      • Smooth out skin tone and texture
      • Improve acne and light acne scars.

This procedure takes 30 min and has virtually no downtime.


PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma

r nehmat ramadan skin clinic treatment-hair-treatments-prpPRP is a process where we take blood from the patient and centrifuge it at high speed in order to concentrate the platelets and to obtain plasma that is 5-10 times richer in platelets than the normal. The platelets rich plasma is then injected either in the scalp to encourage hair growth or in the face to enhance healthy glowing skin. While it is still not fully understood how PRP works, we assume that the platelets carry and secrete growth factors that are essential for hair and skin regeneration.

Alopecia Areata

r nehmat ramadan skin clinic treatment-hair-treatments-alopecia-areataAlopecia Areata is a disease that causes hair to fall out in small patches on the scalp but also sometimes on other areas like the beard. This condition is caused when the immune system attacks the hair follicles.

Luckily, several treatments are available to treat Alopecia Areata.

After assessing your condition, Dr. Nehmat Ramadan will recommend the best treatment depending on your case.



The Visia Skin Analysis is a revolutionary system that looks beneath your skin to reveal all underlying skin defects that may be causing different skin irregularities. This system captures key visual information for areas affecting complexion health and appearance: wrinkles, spots, evenness, pores, redness and brown pigment to reveal your skin true age. It is also very useful to monitor the response to treatment in our patients.

Treatments January 10, 2017